Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Wednesday

Got in 4 miles again. Actually, I think I got in more than 4 as the stupid treadmill reset itself about halfway through the run. In addition, as it was a new treadmill I was using and not the normal one I use, I forgot to start the timer when I started running. Doh!!!! Anyway, my foot still feels sore, but it certainly is better than what it was.

I also lifted today. I thought I could increase to 40lbs for my stuff, but looks like I'll be at 35 for a while. I was really looking forward to getting some preacher curls in, but the curling bars were used by other people the entire time I was there. That's the one thing I hate about going to the gym. You have to wait for the equipment. Oh well.

Tomorrow is just running (4 miles) and Friday is just lifting.


Weight: 159lbs
Exercise: Running 4 miles, Weightlifting
Weather: Warm 60 degrees.

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1 comment:

David H. said...

I would suggest if your foot is still hurting to do some walk-jog-walk-jog routines to build the mileage up. I might've suggested it before, but it definitely works.