Tuesday, March 4, 2008

12 miles

So I did my 12 miles this Saturday in the driving snow. Woohoo!!! I dig running in the snow, it makes me feel like Rocky or something. Steph was planning on doing her 12 this Saturday, but she decided to wait until the weather got better. So I ran my 12 on Saturday and she did her 12 on Sunday. Both of our runs were good. I forgot what 12 miles feels like, so I was a bit more tired than I was expecting, but it felt pretty good.

I ran 5 yesterday and will do 5 tomorrow and Thursday. Then I'll get another 12 in next Saturday. I'll taper the next week in anticipation of the Shamrock.

I've been weight training 3 days a week as well. I have to say that I'm more tired when I do both the weight training and the running. When I get home at night, I'm pretty much down for the count. But it's a good tired :)


1 comment:

David H. said...

Great job sticking to your plans. I, too, am finding myself tired, but I think some of that is the winter talking. have fun next weekend, and hit me up if you're interested in meeting up.