Monday, January 28, 2008

Treadmill Mileage

I went to the WVU Rec Center today and logged in 2.5 miles. I picked it up towards the end because treadmill miles and outside running miles just don't feel the same. Granted I'm not a big treadmill runner. In fact, this is like the 2nd or 3rd time that I've actually run on one. My foot is a little sore, but no worse than Saturday.

I also lifted today. I did my normal chest and arms routine. I also did this Ab machine thing that really kills. It feels like someone is pouring acid on my stomach it burns so bad :)

Wednesday will be my next run/workout day as tomorrow is full of meetings. i think I'll 2-3 miles again and see where I'm at. Slow, but sure :)


Exercise:Running 2.5 miles, weightlifting
Weather:Cold, but I was inside.


David H. said...

I would suggest some walk-jog-walk-jog routine. It's helped me this past month, and it helped me back in 2006 when I had knee issues. I'm still struggling a bit to get to a "normal" zone, but walking seems to help. I've always read to not run when something hurts, so take it easy out there.

Anonymous said...

I agree with David H... be careful with that tender footie. I got myself ina lot of trouble thinking I could ignore my pains.