Wednesday, December 5, 2007

5 miles in 5 inches

Of snow. Yep, I just got back from a 5 mile run in 5 inches of snow. I'm insane. No, really, I am. Who goes running in snow? I'm an idiot. Anyway, as stupid as I am, I REALLY enjoyed it :)

So the question is, what happens if we get more snow? Do I run in 8 inches? a foot? Yikes!!!

Weight: 157lbs
Exercise: Running 4 miles Monday, 5 miles today
Weather: snow, Snow, SNOW!!!! 29 degrees.

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Topher said...

Dude, you ARE crazy, but you're also a runner. That 'splains it, I suppose. Kind of sucks, though, because now I don't have an excuse.

Stay warm!

Robert Barker said...

Maybe you are an idiot, but you also rock.

Anonymous said...

Just watch out for the ice. Next time you are in the office and see Joe, ask him about running outside and ice.

David H. said...

When I first started running in 2004, it snowed a lot, but I loved getting out in it. I once did a turkey trot in Ohio in near blizzard conditions. it's a ton of fun... you just have to watch out for icy spots.

eRamzi said...

i think distance and thickness should be proportional. so i guess the answer to your question would be 8 miles in 8 inches :)

thanks for a great semester!

renae said...

Hey Jason - I'm coming out of being a total lurker (love your blog!) to tell you that you rock! Running in the snow! I'm having a problem with getting out in snow now for the simple fact that I'm positive I'll either fall on my ass or get hit by a car!

Jason said... should have seen me...I was slipping and sliding all over the know the funny thing is that I wasn't the only one out there (although I was the only one running).