Sunday, May 20, 2007

First Post

Well today I'm starting my running diary (or blog if you'd like). My purpose I guess is to keep track of my progress towards the November 10, 2007 running of the SunTrust Richmond Marathon. This is my first marathon, and in fact will be my first competitive race of any kind. So, I'm a little nervous and I guess intimidated by the fact that this is my first race and, on top of that, it's 26.2 miles; however, I'm confident I can complete it.

I bought a book to help me train. It's called The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer and its been pretty helpful thus far. One of the things they recommend is that I keep a running diary of my progress. Hence, this blog. I also just recently bought a heart monitor. It's awesome!!! Steph and I went for a bike ride today to test it out. It keeps track of your heart rate, speed, distance, calories expended, and a crapload of other things (including temperature and altitude). Once you get back home, you can then download all of your information to the computer so you can track your cool?

As you may know, I'm nursing a stress fracture in my lower left leg. So, until that heals (June 2nd or 3rd), I'll be cycling. So you can expect to hear a lot about bikes until then :)

So, anyway I'll be keeping track of a bunch of things here. If you'd like to to keep up with my progress, please visit often.

Weight: 177.8lbs
Exercise: Cycling 12 miles
Weather: 65 degrees, overcast, some rain.


Anonymous said...

Another good one is Marathoning for Mortals, especially their discussion of how to deal with pain and injuries.

My brother-in-law, who ran his first marathon right after his 50th birthday, swears by Galloway's pain free marathon plan.

Jason said...

Yeah, I think I'm going to pick up the Mortals book. You're not the only one to recommend it. I'm definitely looking for as pain-free a marathon as possible. No bleeding nipples for me :)

David H. said...

I, too, am running in the Richmond, which will be my first marathon. I came across your blog and will add you to my "blogs I read" list. I'm at