Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What a day!!!

So today started out as a normal Wednesday for me (sleep late, goof off, watch tv, etc.). But, I had a few errands to run. First, I dropped by the eye doctor to get some new sunglasses. It sucks to cycle with crappy sunglasses because all the little bugs end up getting in your eyes. So, I got those ordered. Then I had an appointment to get my tires replaced on the Accord. Did that, but I decided that while the tires were being put on, I'd take a walk.

I walked to East-West Stadium in Fairmont. What a cool place!!! I had no idea that Fairmont contained this little gem. It has a rubberized track, a huge football/soccer field, and regular bleachers. In addition, it's open 24 hours a day. That means I can run any time I want on that cool track....bye bye stress fractures (at least until I get bored of running on a track).

Today I also went all out on my exercise. Walked, biked, lifted, then mowed grass. Whew!!

I also learned a funny thing about my watch that I've been harping about recently. You need to press the start/stop button for it to work. Ooops. Thought I had pressed it, but nope. Oh well. No record of today's workout.

Tomorrow, I go to my first appointment with a physical trainer. WVU has a great little program that provides free physical training. They do all kinds of assessments on you and help you move to the next level with your regimen. I'll let you know how that goes.

Weight: 176.4lbs
Exercise: Walking 3 miles, Cycling 12 miles, Lifting
Weather: 82 degrees, sunny, beautiful

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love it!!

Your postings are like episodes from "As the Jason Turns." ;-)

Love ya!