Thursday, May 24, 2007

Personal Trainer

So today is a rest day. I usually exercise 6 days week and rest on the 7th. Typically, I take my rest day on Thursday. I don't really know why it's Thursday, just kind of worked out that way.

More importantly, however, I went to my first appointment with the personal trainer. It was pretty standard I think. I had a PT test to ascertain my current fitness level. I did pretty well. Above average on situps (51 in a minute), excellent on pushups (32, untimed), and above average on cardio (step exercise as I decided not to run because of my leg). Where I really stunk is flexibility. I must be the stiffest guy around. OK, that's not exactly what I mean....uhmm, my body is really inflexible...much better. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with my assessment.

I have around 18-19% body fat. Which, for my age, is normal. Because of that, I will no longer be concentrating on losing weight but losing body fat. I think I'd like to get to around 10% or so. That way, I'll be pretty cut.

Tomorrow is my first actual workout with the trainer. She's also going to set me up with a diet that will match my desire to put on some mass and condition my body for the marathon. All in all, it was great to actually talk to someone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I'm pretty excited.

On a slightly different note, I think I have a sinus infection. My snot is yellow....yuck!!!! I'm headed to the doctor tomorrow to get the official diagnosis.

Anyway, here's to more formality in my exercise!!

One more thing: I NEED WORKOUT MUSIC!!!!!!!

Weight: 177lbs
Exercise: None, rest day
Weather: 85 degress, sunny, beautiful


Stephanie said...

ok, where to begin.

you talked about being stiff and inflexible and having yellow snot. yup folks, that would be a typical night at the thomas household!

tmi, my dear . . .tmi!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, it gets much worse. Wait until the stories about spontaneous diarrhea (happens above 14 miles) get started. Yippee!

And, I don't work out to music, so I am useless. However, this got us through the marathon. No shit.


Jason said...

OK, don't spoil the surprises.

What the hell!?!? Badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom????? That's like that damn hamster song....

Anonymous said...

I've got music I used to run to, paced me at 6.5 minute miles. It's a tape I made and you probably never heard most of the tunes. I'll send you a list of the songs if I can find it after all these years.


Jason said...

Sounds long as its not like swing or anything ;)