Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another 20 bites the dust....

So today's long run was great!!!! I feel a whole lot better this go around than I did on last week's 20. I took it a little slower and that seems to have helped. I ran from Fairmont to Morgantown again. I like that route as it's so beautiful, especially now with the leaves changing. Steph got in 6 and then she biked 4 as she had to bring me some water while I was running. On the trail we have no water stops and I can only carry enough for 18 miles, so she has to bring me some for the last 2. But, like the trooper she always is, she biked out and gave me some much needed hydration.

So now begins the taper....woohoo!!!! You don't even know how happy I am that the taper is starting. My body is so tired right now. With the taper, I can take a little breather before the big day.

I have a post planned for later this week that I'm drafting now on the things I've learned while training for the marathon. So stay tuned :)


Weight: 158lbs
Exercise: Running 20 miles, Steph running 6 miles
Weather:Beautiful, 55-65 degrees


Anonymous said...


David H. said...

Congrats on another 20. Enjoy the taper. In my short long-distance running I've done, the last week is the most important with taking it easy. Just curious, what do you have planned for your last two long runs?

Jason said...

I think my program calls for 9 next week and then 8 the following week as my long runs.

David H. said...

This is of course my first marathon, too, but I would encourage you to hit at least double digits next week. I haven't seen a marathon program yet that isn't at least 12 miles. Just a thought. For a taper such as this, the first week you shouldn't cut back too much too quick. Don't you wish there was a perfect plan out there?!?

Robert Barker said...

20 miles, just awesome. Did you notice how you mentioned running from one town to another without batting an eye. crazy.

Anonymous said...

Nice run. Good luck on your race! I'm looking forward to reading about what you've gotten out of the training.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 20 and the beginning of your taper! What's Winnie's plan for the next few weeks? :}