Monday, October 8, 2007

New Shoes...New Shoes

So I bought some new shoes a while ago and was waiting to begin breaking them in. Today was my first day out with them. As David has mentioned, shoes are a really personal thing. I never realized how attached you become to leather, rubber, and plastic. But it's like a relationship. I couldn't imagine wearing a different pair (I would feel like I'm cheating). And no matter what, they are always beside the door, waiting patiently for me to to take them out. OK, I'm weirding myself out :)

Anyway, you get the idea. It's a really intense thing when you start changing shoes. Now, I didn't change brands or models, I just bought a new pair of the old ones. They were a little tight, but I think they'll work out fine. Once I get a few miles in, they'll feel just like my old ones. I'm actually very happy to have a new pair as the cushioning feels oh so much better. I hope that helps my knees out on the long runs.

I got in 5 this morning and was dragging a little. I think it was the weather. I heard yesterday that someone died running the Chicago Marathon. Here's to Tom at Runner's Lounge completing that awful marathon. Congrats!!!

Wed. is 8, then 5 Thursday and then the big 20 on Saturday.


Exercise:Running 5 miles
Weather:Warm, humid, 65 degrees


Anonymous said...

I am right with you on the shoe thing. I brought a new pair into my life again and it's like picking out a new is really personal and scary. All shoes look/feel good when you first put them on, but then after they settle in...well, you never know.

David H. said...

New shoes are like video games - you can't wait to play the newest. then you get so good that you can't put it away. Then, all of a sudden, it's worn out its welcome and it's time to move on. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to '08 to see how the Asics 2130 will be. Seemed like a nice, subtle difference between 2110 to 2120. It's like the new version of Madden every year. (And no, I don't play video games, but if I did...)

Jason said...

It's can admit're a video game addict.....I am too.

Mark said...

I'm glad you said it because you were beginning to weird me out too.... and you know how much weird I can take.... New Shoes? It's a wonderful thing.... careful with that being to tight stuff.... your feet swell when you run and the vessels fill with blood, so your feet need lots of room...

Oh yeah.... don't worry about that guy that died.... I remember when Jim Fixx fell over dead .... made me think for a moment, but then..... oh blah dee blah dah.... Hmmmm.... that means "life goes on".
