Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stupid Should Hurt (Part Deux)

So I'm a dog owner. Actually, let me qualify that, I am a responsible dog owner. That means that I make sure my dog doesn't annoy, hurt, or scare anyone. In addition, as most responsible dog owners do, I pick up after my dog. Sooooo, the last two days I've run in to a variety of irresponsible dog owners while running. And I have to say it is pretty annoying.

I understand that you know that your dog is a good dog and won't hurt anyone. I get it....I really do. But here's the thing.....I don't know that your dog is a good dog and won't hurt anyone. So, I have to act and react as thought the dog is going to bite me. Why? you may ask. Well, I've learned that if you don't know the dog, treat it as a threat. That way, the dog stays safe and so do I. But, when you let your dog off of his leash and I don't know what it will do, it means that I have to then take precautionary actions, like stopping my run so you can get your dog back on his leash. Normally, this wouldn't cause me too much heartache, but when I'm running now, I am actually training which means I'm timing my runs. And I get really annoyed when I have to stop.

Or how about when the dog, because it is off its leash, runs up next to me and jumps up on me because it thinks that I'm playing. Or how about, once it has jumped up on me, it continues to run after me and follows me and the only way to have it stop is for me to stop, walk back to you, and give your dog back to you because it isn't on its leash.

Having said all this, I'm not blaming the dog(s). I am blaming the stupid people who insist on not having their dogs on a leash.

Stupid should hurt!!!!!

Exercise:Running 5 miles Monday, 8 miles Tuesday
Weather:Cool, beautiful 55-65 degrees.


David H. said...

I once had to tell a woman to shut the f*** up because her poodles basically attacked me and drew blood on my legs. She was standing in her yard, but letting the dogs go where ever. I was on the edge of the sidewalk as far over as possible because I saw those yappers. She claimed that I saw her standing there. Last I checked, we all have legal rights to sidewalks. It's a much funnier story, but too long for here. I'll just say I agree with your post 100 percent.

Stephanie said...

YOU pick up after your dog?? When was the last time you carried a sack of "Winnie presents" through the neighborhood? ;-)

Robert Barker said...

I have posted on the same thing. Dogs of leashes give me a little apprehension on the roads.

Anonymous said...

I derive a lot of energy from dogs I pass or run into on my runs.Whether it is a sweet dog who gets happily excited at your passing, giving positive energy. Or an unknown dog that stands at the end of a driveway on a country road barking his fool head off, its energy. Tap into its positive benefit and kwitcherwhining.