Wednesday, October 24, 2007

One more thing

I got my 8 miles in today. It was raining and cold. I dig the rain, but not the cold so much. Anyway, it went well.

I forgot to add the following to my 30 Things list :)

Marathon training is:

10 percent luck, 20 percent skill
15 percent concentrated power of will
5 percent pleasure, 50 percent pain
and 100 percent reason to remember the name
(Ft. Minor, Remember the Name)

Weight: 158lbs
Exercise:Running 8 miles
Weather:Rainy, cold 55 degrees


Stephanie said...

I'm glad you gave credit for the song lyrics . . .

David H. said...

I would kill for raining and cold as opposed to hot and humid in October. Funny the different in crossing a state line!!