Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby

So this 4 times/day icing routine is hard to do. Especially if you work. I look like an idiot sitting on an ice pack. But, I'm doing it :) Yesterday, I lifted and then ran about a mile. I kept my pace very slow. Today, I ran 2 miles. My leg feels pretty good, but I'm still compensating for it with my other leg. That means that while I'm completing my mileage, my one healthy leg is covering more than its share of the load. But, nonetheless, I'm getting some miles in. I still feel like a slug though. It's amazing how missing 1 or 2 days of running makes me feel crappy. I need my FIX!!!!

I've also started a more rigorous stretching routine (using Kevin's suggestion) so I hopefully won't have many more injuries like this one.

Tomorrow is a rest day. Saturday, I think I'm going to try 3 or 4. Steph is running 8 or 10 I think.


Weight: 158lbs
Exercise:Running 2 miles
Weather:Sunny, warm.


Kevin said...

Good luck with the stretching on your hamstring. You'll be back to running 7-minute-mile 5ks before you know.

Anonymous said...

You could run in that magical way in which both feet are off the ground at the same time. That should take the strain off the good leg.
