Saturday, April 19, 2008

Long Run

Steph and I put in 6 miles today. I hadn't planned on running that much, but my leg felt pretty good so I gave it a shot. I felt pretty good...funny thing is that my calves were tight afterwards. My hamstring is still a little sore and I think my other leg was compensating again. So it was an odd run. Nonetheless, it felt good.

We came home and then mulched the yard....aghh!!!! I hate yardwork. Next week, I think I'll do 5-5-5-8. Then the week of the half, I'll do 5-5-5-13.1. That's the plan anyway, we'll see how it goes. Also, next week, I'm starting my swimming. I fully intend to sink like a rock, but if I don't start now, I'll never do a triathlon :)


Weight: 158lbs
Exercise: Running 6 miles

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