Tuesday, July 10, 2007

4 miles today

So today, after consultation with my PT, I decided to run 4 miles. Normally I do just three miles, four days a week. I did three miles yesterday, four today and I'll do three miles on Thursday. Then, hopefully, I'll do five miles on Saturday (in case you don't know, this is the first week of my training for the marathon). I decided I would begin the training and then see where it takes me. If I can go injury-free, then I'll run the marathon. If I get injured then I'll just do the 8k on that day.

The run went well. Man it was blazing hot though. 93 degrees and humid. Yuck!!!

But, I didn't run on my normal rail-trail today because I saw a house next to the trail last time that I swear came out of some horrible scary movie. Since I didn't want to be kidnapped and eaten alive, I decided to alter my course. I ran the other part of the trail that is paved. Much nicer :)

In terms of my Ipod-Nike thingy......I'm in the middle on it. I like a lot of things about it, but I hate the fact that I can't get it calibrated. For example, today I ran four miles and it told me I ran 4.07 miles or something like that. I know shouldn't be so picky, but I like accuracy. However, on the good side of things it keeps track of my workouts and actually talks to you as you run. In addition, when you set a personal best time or distance, someone famous talks to you through your headphones and congratulates you...today is was someone named Paula Adkins, or Paula Gladwell, Paula Abdul, I can't remember...it was apparently a famous person. My understanding is that Lance Armstrong is on there too, but I haven't had him pat me on the shoulder yet ;)

Lastly, I had some orthotics made for me. The PT was only able to create one though as we ran out of time. So on Thursday I'll get the other one. We'll see how much I like them. I have to get adjusted to them so I can't wear them to run in just yet. I have to walk in them for a while and then begin to run. Hopefully, that will also help all the problems I've had with my left leg and maybe even prevent some with my right.

Stay tuned!!!!

Weight: 168lbs
Exercise: Monday (running 3 miles), Tuesday (running 4 miles)
Weather: Hot and humid both days...90 on Monday, 93 Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting to increase your mileage.

I'm rooting for you to run the marathon.

Good luck with figuring out the nike thing!

Jason said...

Thanks. I'm rooting for the marathon too :)

Do you use the ipod-nike setup? I know you have the Polar thing, but any experience with ipods?

BTW, I tried to leave a comment on your site and I don't think it made it. Whenever I need to stay awake, I drink some of that Irish Breakfast tea from Twinings. That crap is loaded with caffeine I think. Keeps me up anyway :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I got your comment. I just had to moderate it. It's part of the spam filter system at Konamoxt.

I spent a late night in the doggie emergency room last night and didn't read my e-mail.

I've never used nike ipods. I have a video ipod, but I've never done anything with pod casts. I also have a garmin forerunner that I use to track mileage for running work outs. It's pretty cool.