Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Runs with Water (or how not to dehydrate)

Another one of my cool running gadgets arrived today. I finally got my Fuel Belt. Steph says I look like a dork, but I'm more concerned with, I don't know, not dying of dehydration!!!

So I got the helium 4 model. It has four neat little 8 oz. bottles and a little pocket that you can put a gel and some keys in. I did a lot of research and determined that this was the model for me. Woo Hoo!!! I can't wait to use it.


Bill said...

Looks great! Be sure to let us all know how it works out -- I've been thinking of getting something similar.

David H. said...

I'll be interested to hear how you like it. I've never ran with running belt, but will need to get something in the next few weeks.

Jason said...

Once I use it I'll post my thoughts...right now it looks and feels pretty good, but you never know until you use it.