Thursday, July 5, 2007

They should pay me...

Went to PT again this the massage (woohoo!!) and they also shot some sound waves at my injury. Apparently, using an ultrasound to shoot sound waves at injured tissue helps it heal. Didn't really feel like anything while she was doing it, but she said it wouldn't. She said it would help though.

I've been pleased so far with the progress on my healing. I ran on both Monday and Tuesday of this week and will be running later today. Although I felt pain, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as before. In fact, on Tuesday it felt like I didn't even have an injury. I've also been icing everyday, whether I feel pain or not. This morning I didn't feel any pain until she started poking around the muscle.

On Tuesday, I tested out my new Ipod-Nike setup. I don't have Nike shoes, but I use a little thing called a LaceLid to attach the sensor to my shoes. It seems to work ok, but I still can't get the stupid thing calibrated. And that is what lead to me running close to 4.5 miles on Tuesday. I had orginally planned to run 5k. So I put that into the Ipod. Unfortunately, I was thinking in miles instead of kilometers and actually put in 3k into the Ipod. I didn't realize that until I had already run about a 1/2 mile. By that time, I had already lost count of how many laps I had run. So I not only had no clue how much I had already run, I also had the uncalibrated Ipod telling me I was almost done. How confusing!!!!

So I decided I would just run 30 minutes. Well, I got so caught up in doing the calculations in my head to figure out what lap I was on, I completely lost track of time and ended up running about 40 minutes. Good news is that my leg seemed to take the extra running fine and actually felt better afterwards. The bad news is that I have to try and re-calibrate that stupid Ipod.

So anyway, got good runs in on Monday and Tuesday. I also lifted yesterday. Today, I'm going to look into some 5k's that are scheduled in the coming weeks in the hope of finding a few that I can get under my belt.


Weight: 171lbs
Exercise: Running 4 miles Tuesday, 3 miles Thursday
Weather: Tuesday: warm, 82 degrees, Thursday: rainy, humid, 80 degrees


David H. said...

Sounds like the old cliche to take it one day at a time is what you're having to go through. Ice works wonders, so keep doing that even if nothing hurts. Ice really helped me through some knee issues last year. Be patient, and it'll get better before you know it!

Anonymous said...

I love technology, but I hate it when things go wrong.

I am a runner and a cyclist. I have a garmin and a polar S710, that tracks my calories and heart rate etc. It evens gives me the ascent, descent and temperature. I've gotten hooked on tracking the data.

I recently moved my blog over to This is a new site that provides blogging community, with the bonus of really cool features to track your work outs.

Jason said...

I picked up the Polar 625x and really like it, but I thought I'd give the nike+ thing a try as well. I like the Polar but I get annoyed by the heart rate strap that goes across my chest.

I really like the tracking info as well. It's great to visually see your progress.

Anonymous said...

How is the nike thing working for you?