Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weathery Goodness

What a beautiful day we had in Fairmont today. It was about 75 degrees and no humidity (thank goodness). We need to move to an area where summers are like this all year. I need seasons though, so it has to be someplace with a winter and fall as well. Hmmm....any ideas?

Today was a 3 mile day. Went very well. My pace was 9:30. So I felt good about that. I'm really looking forward to my Saturday run. It will 5 be miles. I may try out my fuel belt if the weather is warm enough. I've had a lot of folks ask for my review after I use it, so look for a future post on my experience.

Next week, the schedule for running is M-T-Th-S with the distances being 3-4-3-6 respectively. So it'll be the same as this week except my long run is 6 miles.

I guess I should also let you know that I'm still strength training, but I'm focusing entirely on my upper body. I figure I'm getting enough work on my legs that I don't need to add anything to the running. I think I'm going to change my lifting to a T-Th-S schedule so I can do it on the same days that I run. Although, when the long runs really start to kick in I may change it back to MWF. We'll see.

Weight: 168lbs
Exercise: Running 3 miles
Weather: Wonderful...75 degrees no humidity

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