Monday, July 16, 2007

Craptacular day!!

Man, when did summer arrive? Ugh, what a horribly humid day today. The temperature wasn't that bad.....around 83 or so, but man the humidity was terrible. I don't know how high humidity can go without raining, but it must have been maxed out today. Although, running at two in the afternoon probably didn't help things.

I pushed it a little today to see how fast I could run a 5k...I ran it in 28:06. My scheduled run was for 3 miles. I'm very happy with that time. In fact, I'm really happy with it, considering that I've lost 60 pounds since January and could barely walk/jog 3 miles then.

Tomorrow is 4 miles and strength training. Then, on Wednesday comes what I've been waiting for most of the last month or so....SCUBA school...woohoo!!!!! I start SCUBA class that night. It goes for 5 weeks and then I'm certified. I can't wait. I really want to dive in some wrecks and this is the first in quite a few classes I have to take in order to do that. I can't wait!!! I'll let you know how that goes as well.

Weight: 167lbs
Exercise: Running 3 miles
Weather: Hot and incredibly humid, 83 degrees


RunToTheFinish said...

Amen, humidity is my enemy every summer in the grand mid-west! I find myself hitting the treadmill if I have to run any time after 7 am.

Jason said...

I wish I had a treadmill....I have to say though that I really like running outside. Even in bad weather. In fact, I actually run better when the weather is really crappy (like raining or snowing) and I tend to enjoy it more...I'm a glutton for punishment I think.

David H. said...

I don't know how to beat this kind of humidity. even though I run in the morning when it's considerably cooler, it feels more humid than it does in the middle of the day.

Anonymous said...

SCUBA - that sounds cool and scary. Wish I lived closer to the ocean.

I saw in your profile you like Bourne movies - just a few weeks left to the next big one.

Jason said...

I love the Bourne movies!!! I also like the new Bond as well.

SCUBA's not that scary (although I have to say I'm not really sure how I'll react until I do it).

BTW, I really like your blog. It's very motivating :) Keep up the good work.