Monday, July 2, 2007

Squishy Middle

Well, I've got good news and bad news....the good news is that it is not my tibia that causing me my problems. It is my Soleus muscle. That's the muscle that lies under your calf. The physical therapy folks did a lot of poking around to find out it was that muscle...and man was it painful once they found it to be that muscle. So after they isolated the pain, they then massaged that muscle by actually lifting my calf and poking the Soleus with thumbs and fingers....sounds weird I know, but it felt kinda good.

In terms of the marathon, it doesn't look too good. I was advised today that I overpronate (which I already knew) and to make it worse, my left leg actually pronates more than my right. In addition, they think there is another bio-mechanical problem with that leg that is causing the pain in that muscle. Unfortunately, they don' t know what the problem is yet. On Thursday, I'm back in for them to watch me run so they see if there is some technique issue. In the meantime, I was advised to keep my current training the same as its been for the past 4 weeks (3 miles 4 days a week with strength training on MWF) and to do no more. I was also told to continue the icing and to take ibuprofen on a more frequent basis to handle the inflammation.

All in all, I was glad it wasn't the bone. And, I'm glad the folks who are my therapists are runners and triathletes. So they have been through these kinds of things before. But I am very disappointed that the marathon seems to be slipping away. So, I'm kind of in the middle on how I feel about the visit.

Today's run went fine and I iced when I got back home. I also lifted today (arms and chest) and that went off without a hitch.

Weight: 170lbs
Exercise: Running 3 miles, walking 1/4 mile, Strength training.
Weather: Another beautiful day. Mid 70s and no humidity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the possibility of bad news. Been there. Just don't drown your sorrows in cans of Pringles like I did.